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Lutheridge Master Planning Task Group

At the direction of the Board of Trustees, we have recruited a Lutheridge Master Planning Task Group to work with Paul Briggs, Architect, to update the Lutheridge Master Plan in preparation for a campaign to launch in June 2024. The most recent Master Plan for Lutheridge was completed by Paul Briggs and Paul Fjere in 1998.
Paul Briggs has been a long-time friend of NovusWay, and in addition to his work on the Lutheridge Master Plan years ago, he completed the Lutheranch Master Plan, provider design work at Luther Springs, and designed cabins at Lutheridge and Lutherock. He knows and values this ministry well.
Van Van Horne, Lutheridge Executive Director, is convening the Task group for the first time on January 25. Joining him will be:
-Kami Kinard (current Board member), Beaufort, SC. Author and small business owner Kami Kinard is a former Lutheridge camper, counselor, and area director who currently serves on the NovusWay Board. “My parents, siblings, in-laws, husband, and children have all been part of the ministry at Lutheridge,” she said, “so I am excited to join the team working to ensure camp continues to positively impact lives the way it has for me and my family.”
-Marty Jenkins, Charlotte, NC. From bringing confirmands to Lutheridge in the 1980’s to serving on the board 20 years later, Lutheridge has been a very important part of his faith life. “It is truly A place apart,” he said, “and I am thankful to serve on the Ridge Master team as we build a plan to ensure the future of this wonderful ministry.”
-Rev. Ginger Litman-Koon is a Lutheran pastor in the Charleston, SC area, as well as a project manager at a local architecture firm. Ginger served on summer staff at Lutheridge for several years and loves returning as a Kairos leader and as a camp mom. “Working on the Lutheridge master plan is a great way to combine design and ministry,” she shared.
-Emily Bugay, Greenville, SC. A Lutheridge camper, counselor, C3ARE leader, Summer Staff Alumni leadership team, and passionate supporter of the ministry. She and her husband met as summer camp counselors and their children are now 4th generation Lutheridge campers.
-Will Rose is the Parish Pastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry in Chapel Hill, NC. Will is a native of Wilmington NC and a life long beach lover. Will has experienced Novus Way Ministries on every level imaginable; as a camper, summer staff, bringing youth from his congregations to camp, leading Confirmation Camp, and bringing his own family to camp, and now some of those family members are serving on summer staff.
-Joanna Ritchie Britt, Winston Salem, NC. “I looked forward to my week at camp every year (as did my four children) and was honored to serve as a Board member for two terms,” she shared. “I have watched Lutheridge change in small and big ways in the 50+ years I have known her, and see lots of potential for sharing the camp and vision in different ways.”
-Pastor Jason Antley serves at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Lexington South Carolina, which has a long and storied history of participation in various Lutheridge camp experiences both from members and the congregation as a whole. Pastor Jason’s experiences at camp over the past 18 years have given him a great passion for promoting and advocating for the continued strength and longevity of this vital ministry.

-Mike Ward and Mitzie Schafer—Interim, co-CEO’s

The previous Master Plan was completed before the significant growth in the surrounding community. The update to our plan will include:

-Prioritization for renovation
-Facilities that need some renovation, but also include some adjustment to their current priority use (some facilities may have more of an adult/family focus for the future and some meeting space may need more technology options)
-Future facility needs
-Protection from the encroachment around us

Please pray for this group as they help lead us to a ministry site that is ready to serve our needs for the next 75 years.