Board Announcement
The NovusWay Board of Trustees has initiated a bold and engaging ministry master plan entitled ‘Advancing the Mission, Securing the Future.’ The unfolding plan is comprehensive and far-reaching, articulating strategic actions through 2025 and beyond. It casts a vision for the future, with long-range goals and objectives for all activities that shape the ministry.
The Plan serves to both leverage and steward the ministry’s abundant, God-given resources to advance the mission of providing places set apart to inspire and empower all in Christ’s love. In so doing, it secures and strengthens the future operation and life-changing impact of the ministry. Three components comprise the Plan:
1. Site stewardship and land-use goals and objectives
2. A detailed operational strategy
3. Fundraising and endowment growth initiatives
These components will guide the Board in overseeing the ministry’s future and ensuring the highest and best stewardship of all NovusWay assets and resources.
One element of the land-use plan was recently initiated when an Asheville-area developer made an unsolicited offer to purchase three one-acre lots along Airport Road near the Lutheridge rear entrance. After ensuring the sale agreement contained strong protective restrictions to minimize noise, light, and undesirable tenant uses, along with much prayer, discussion, and data analysis, the Board unanimously voted to move forward with the transaction.
The Board is grateful for the opportunity to kick off the new ministry master plan by converting the land on Airport Road to cash which will be invested in the physical plant and ministry at Lutheridge, together with a significant contribution to the ministry’s general endowment. By developing ‘Advancing the Mission, Securing the Future,’ the Board of Trustees has established a clear path to further strengthen the ministry, advance its mission, and secure its future for the blessing of generations to come.
The closing on the land sale will not take place until late 2019 or early 2020 after the buyer’s due diligence period ends. An informational meeting will be held onsite at Lutheridge Camp and Conference Center at a date and time to be announced.
Lutheridge Land Sale FAQs
Did NovusWay Ministries seek out buyers for this land?
No, the ministry received an unsolicited offer from an Asheville-area developer. The NovusWay Board prayerfully discerned that the timing and purchase amount were right for the ministry and voted unanimously in favor of the sale. The offer came just as the Board was completing a site stewardship and land use plan that studied the highest and best use of all ministry resources for advancing the mission and securing its future.
How will the money made from this land sale benefit the mission of Lutheridge?
NovusWay Ministries plans to invest the proceeds at Lutheridge in three ways: (1) the site and facilities at Lutheridge, (2) an endowment fund for the ministry programs and operation of Lutheridge, and (3) toward paying back funds previously borrowed to improve existing Lutheridge facilities and to operate Lutheridge ministry programs.
What is going to be built on the land being sold?
Since this is commercial property, a variety of retail or commercial tenants could eventually occupy the space. The NovusWay Board negotiated very aggressive deed restrictions for noise and undesirable tenant uses, which are contained in the agreement with the buyer. Light pollution will not be a factor because Buncombe County already has strict downward lighting requirements.
When will any construction begin?
The sale will not take place until late 2019 or early 2020, depending on the length of the examination and due diligence period, and construction will not take place until after the closing.
How will this impact the entrance off Airport Road and the existing fence?
The existing gate will likely be moved further up the hill away from Airport Road, and there will likely be a period of time during construction when this entrance will not be accessible. We will provide residents and guests a plan for using the Hendersonville entrance while maintaining our focus on safety for our campers and guests. A new barrier/ fence will be installed with a design still to be determined.
How will this impact land which is used for program activities?
Other than a portion of the Quiet Way trail around Lutheridge, there is no land being sold which is used for ministry program or activities. Plans to redirect the trail are in progress.
Are their concerns for camper safety with commercial properties bordering this close to the site?
No, a barrier/ fence will be created during construction. The safety of our campers and guests is the highest priority for all NovusWay staff and the leadership of Lutheridge. As growth and development continue around Lutheridge, we will continue to thoroughly train our staff to assess, reduce, and mitigate the risk so our guests continue to have a safe, fun, and faith-filled experience.
Are there any plans to sell any other land at Lutheridge?
There are currently no plans to sell additional land at Lutheridge.
Please direct any inquiries to Marlene Hoffman, NovusWay Director of Marketing and PR at or 828-209-6312.