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[Note: The following story appeared in our most recent LINK newsletter and we are sharing it here according to a schedule that was planned out before the devastating events of the last week. As so many places, including camp, are recovering from storms and floods, stories like this one help us remember why camp and the community camp inspires are such treasured gifts. The title of this story, Safe, is a powerful reminder that even in a world that sometimes is unsafe, we need places where children of God of all ages can know the comfort and joy of God’s love.]

“Caroline talked and talked, until she fell asleep in the car.” Caroline’s mom Deb remembers how excited she was to share about her week at Lutherock on the drive home. “She had written down everything she did in her journal, including everywhere she went, everything she ate, and every game she played.”

While Caroline had been to other NovusWay camps before, this summer was her first time at Lutherock. According to Deb, Caroline is an adventure seeker, and the outdoor activities offered at Lutherock sounded exciting to her.

But Caroline’s week got off to a tough start when on the way to camp, stopping to see a local waterfall, she was stung in the ankle by a hornet. “Her foot swelled up and we were worried it might slow her down,” recalls Deb, “but Caroline’s counselor Nora took extra care with her and made sure she didn’t miss out on the adventures.”

Deb knows that Caroline loved the activities and songs camp, but as a parent, she especially appreciates the faith impact she sees in Caroline. “Camp deepens my children’s faith in a unique way,” she says. “They meet different people and learn from different perspectives. And it’s so good for them to see their young adult counselors as faith mentors.”

Caroline also knows how important the counselors were to her experience at camp. “The counselors never leave anyone out and they always make sure everyone is having fun,” she says. “They are so nice and funny and keep you safe.”

Counselor Nora even helped Caroline discover a hidden talent. One day when she got back from camp, Caroline told her mom, “Did you know I can translate toothbrush speak?” Caroline went on to explain that her counselor was speaking to the cabin group one night while brushing her teeth, answering a question someone had asked. “I was the only one who could translate,” Caroline said.

Your gifts to NovusWay give campers like Caroline amazing faith adventures and counselors like Nora the opportunity to be caring faith mentors. Thank you for helping us pass on faith and develop strong leaders at camp.