Before Covid-19, with differing swim and soccer schedules, it wasn’t unusual for Stephen and Tami Lee and their two sons, Caleb and Elijah, to hardly speak to each other in the evenings. Life was mostly quick passing conversation or telling their children goodnight.
As is the case for all of us during this time, their evening schedules suddenly became much less chaotic. This allowed them to start spending more quality time together as a family at their kitchen table and sharing about their days during cabin time.
“Being able to come together as a family at the end of our day and sing our favorite camp songs, hear a Bible story, and talk about the things that made each one of us happy along with the things that we really didn’t like, helps us communicate and relate to how each other is doing,” said Stephen. “Talking about the special moments where we see God at work helps us realize how we can see God everywhere we look, if we just open our hearts to accepting his grace!
“Cabin time has allowed us to re-center our thoughts and hearts on what matters most in this world – loving God and one another! We look forward to being able to continue this and establishing amazing memories for our children as they continue to grow and remember as adults.”
Nightly Cabin Time videos serve to bring camp into the homes of campers and families during social distancing. Click here to learn more.
Click HERE to read another impact story.