To: Friends, Supporters and Stakeholders of Lutheridge and NovusWay Ministries
From: NovusWay Board of Trustees
Subject: Post Board Meeting Communication
At its August 2-3, 2019 meeting, the Board of Trustees of NovusWay, Inc. gratefully and prayerfully considered the array of passionate response from stakeholders concerning the pending sale of 3 lots at the edge of Lutheridge along Airport Road in Arden, NC. In the end, the Board affirmed its previous unanimous decision to proceed with the sale.
In reaching its conclusion, the Board reiterated several key perspectives:
The decision to move forward was not easy; debate was thoughtful, impassioned and respectful. But the Board takes seriously its obligation to the whole ministry, and how best to employ its resources so that the ministry thrives in the coming years. The Board (including all four Bishops) decided unanimously to move forward with the lot sales because the substantial benefits provide for upgrades to Lutheridge facilities, some debt reduction, and growth in the endowment. Most importantly, it positions NovusWay for continued growth and stability for the benefit of future generations. Those benefits far outweigh the real or perceived value of these three acres.
The Board feels blessed that through the hard work of staff and volunteers, the four camps are doing well and participation numbers are increasing. Solid plans are bearing fruit across all sites. But despite these recent positive signs, several years of deficits and deferred maintenance (exacerbated with the deep recession a decade ago) carry a cost which, if not addressed, will delay the forward progress of the ministry.
The Board has directed staff to begin the important work of assuring that revenue from this sale has the intended long-term impact upon the sustainability and flourishing of Lutheridge and its sister NovusWay ministries.
Board members are humbled by, and cherish, the responsibility entrusted to them by the participating synods they represent. Together with staff, they look forward to sharing the impact this bold move will have upon the ministry and lives of campers, young and old, as they experience God’s love in community and creation, then go to love and serve.
Above all, they give thanks to God for all who share their deep passion for these ministries – and continue to join with you in God’s work at Lutheridge, bolstered by your prayer, support, and participation.